8 January 2023
Istanbul Taksim
8 January 2023
8 January 2023
Istanbul Taksim
8 January 2023The galata tower stands tall in the beyoglu district of istanbul
The galata tower holds a very special place for the city. It also has amazing background history that we will discover here
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The galata tower stands tall in the beyoglu district of istanbul, this tower holds a very special place for the city. it also has amazing background history that we will discover here, we will also mention what you can do inside and outside the tower. the tower had many ups and downs but it still stands tall as an important monument of istanbul.
Visiting Galata Tower is easy because there is no early booking needed. You can pay the entry fee either online or just at the entrance. There is a pricing policy varying for students, adults, and foreigners, but all the prices are very low compared to many others. It is designed like a museum, so you can enjoy your time through a guided Galata Tower tour. A strongly recommended one is the Genoese Walks Galata tour that provides you with very interesting stories about the historical building as well as its surroundings.